
Li Jing often frowned, stroking his jaw, short beard, sitting or standing, and finally murmured. Huang Hao also constantly grinded and listened. as one pleases recorded Li Jing’s famous aphorisms at any time
Li Jing is worried about rainy days because "young people don’t know how to feel and love new words, but it’s stronger to say that they are worried". On sunny days, he is also worried because the light words "relax, be quick and sunny, a few words have never been heard before" are tossed and turned, and he has to innovate several ways of writing. Can he break several whiskers without singing one word? In state affairs, Feng Yansi, Zhou Zong and others naturally share it, but he doesn’t worry too much.
Li Jing has been brewing for a long time and didn’t come up with a new thing. Half-squinting and leaning against the dragon, people can’t see that this person is taking a nap and thinking about it again and again. Or just by thinking about poetry to cultivate drowsiness, gently pick a little yellow door curtain and crept to the side of the big eunuch Huang Hao and whispered two sentences. Huang Hao gave a hand to let the man go to himself and quietly came over and said "pursuit"
"Well," Li Jing was reluctant to ask, "Huang Hao, what is it?"
"Mr. Xiang Feng asks for an audience."
"Oh," Li Jing sat up straight, shook his head and struck back at the temple where he pressed one or two before saying, "Xuan him in."
Huang Hao gave a small yellow gate at the door and quickly withdrew from the hall. Soon, a burst of footsteps came to "I Feng Yansi to see my emperor."
"Get up, Huang Hao."
"I obey the order to give thanks" Feng Yansi got up and sat quietly waiting for Li Jing to ask Li Jing. Although he doesn’t like to be in charge, he especially likes that kind of day. I often ask automatically if I feel something.
"Does Feng Aiqing have anything to tell me today?" Li Jing asked slowly.
"Zhangzhou (near Zhangzhou, Fujian) stayed behind and stayed in the primary school, and others begged for surrender. Since the year before last, our army entered Fujian for two years and finally broke through Jianzhou, Tingzhou, Quanzhou, Zhangzhou and other places in the middle of Fujian. Our army has already attacked four States. Tang Liguo came here. This is the first time Xinjiang has expanded its territory." Feng Yansi said with a smile
"Are you? Hehe, that’s really gratifying. Later, I will personally compose a poem. You frame it and give it to the frontline soldiers. Yes, remember to choose an auspicious day. I will personally go to the ancestral temple to offer sacrifices to comfort my ancestors. "Li Jing said happily that things in Fujian have bothered him for two years. Today, he finally completely solved things in Fuzhou. He automatically ignored the amount of money and food consumed by Li Tang’s conquest of Fujian for two years. As a result, Fuzhou, the richest city in Fujian, was given by wuyue to attack Ting and build Quanzhou in two States. Although Zhangzhou surrendered, it’s still uncertain whether it’s up to you. In other people’s estimation, Feng Yansi would have been pulled out of the palace door with great anger and beaten up, but Li Jing was still sighing like nothing, and it was finally over.
"Thank you for rewarding me. I think the front-line sergeant will definitely be more brave in killing the enemy. This is the overall situation in Fujian. It is essential for me to reward the three armed forces. Please treat this as a reward." Feng Yansi said
Li Jing waved and said, "The sergeant’s life is not easy. Just reward him according to the usual practice in previous years. What do you think of Feng Aiqing?"
Feng Yansi’s heart sank as usual? It doesn’t hurt that Li Jing is a cub buyer, Tian Xin. This officer can be rewarded with silver and silk, but when it comes to the sergeant, it must be copper coins. Datang has never given silver to the sergeant since its founding, but now the price of copper coins has gone up. Isn’t it a high reward for the sergeant if we still follow the usual practice? Although there is still a lot of silver in the national treasury, Feng Yansi is a little reluctant to part with it. He is a person who wants to do great things. Is it necessary to follow this standard to spend this money before going to war?
See Feng Yansi trembles Li Jing asked "what’s the matter? What can I do for you? "
"You must also know that the current price of our copper coin is rising. If it is rewarded according to the usual practice, the state treasury will have an extra sum of silver," said Feng Yansi Branch.
"Oh, I didn’t make it clear to the sergeants. What is this Zhao Pu doing now? Didn’t Han Xi suggest a thorough investigation of Chu businessmen a while ago? How do you check? "
Feng Yansi was stunned by the supreme leader’s leap-forward thinking. A while ago, Han Xi really made a letter asking for a thorough investigation of the flow of copper coins. It was faintly suspected that Chu was cheating. At that time, Feng Yansi came to watch the wall and let Han Xi and them toss it over. It was his brother Feng Yanlu who persuaded him that this was a good opportunity to trade with Chu. Zhou Zong paid attention to it. If the copper price rose, it was really Chu’s doing, we would eventually knock Zhou Zong down, so Feng Yansi took the initiative to take it. After some inspection, he found himself. When this thing was finished, it could not be checked. First, Chu businessmen are a dime a dozen. I checked several results and found that they were law-abiding and didn’t see their private copper coins. Second, after these businessmen came, they didn’t directly sell their goods to Li Tang people, but they often sold them to local firms. These powerful firms had no background behind them. I checked and found that I had come to my head twice. After learning lessons, Feng Yansi stared at Li Zhaoke, a big businessman in Chu. Li Zhaoke really liked to collect copper coins when he bought materials and sold them, but he sent them all. Various local shops have exchanged copper coins. There are too many local shops in Li Zhao, and it is not clear. Besides, Li Zhao has the official background of the State of Chu, so he may be forced by the State of Chu to send people to protest against the expansion of Xinjiang. Now it is inseparable from the support of the State of Chu.
Feng Yansi wanted to think and said, "It’s normal for Tang Chu to do business with each other. It’s normal for Zhou Zongzhou’s adult to be in charge of the department. I must be quite familiar with these things, but I have investigated them for a long time. Although I dare not categorically deny this, I think the chances of Chu businessmen tampering are not greater than others." I dare not talk nonsense. "
Li Jing frowned and said, "If you have something to say, don’t hesitate."
"I think what’s the point of taking copper coins if he doesn’t?" Seeing Li Jing nodded, Feng Yansi said, "I think it is probably collected by Chinese businessmen, but what is this?"
Li Jing did not urge, "Don’t sell it, just talk."
"As you know, it’s not very popular for people to privately cast copper coins, but it’s because the casting copper coins are higher and the profit is smaller after casting. But if we make big money, it will be different and the price of copper coins will increase tenfold. Isn’t that profitable?"
Li Jing blinked and wondered, "haven’t we decided to make a lot of money yet?" Can these businessmen calculate that we are bound to make a lot of money? "
"I don’t know this minister. These businessmen are mercenary. I’m afraid the news is also very well-informed." Feng Yansi told Diao without moving his face.
"Oh," Li Jing mused. Is it impossible for Zhou Zong?
"Feng Aiqing, in your opinion, should my Tang Dynasty be as difficult as crossing the eye?"
"I heard a sentence yesterday that felt quite reasonable. The sword of the Tang Dynasty cut out the life of the Tang Dynasty." Feng Yansi whispered.
Li Jing sighed and said, "Feng Aiqing, are you confused? We just lost in Huaibei and tens of thousands of brothers were captured. Now the state affairs are not as stable as in the previous two years. If we still send troops, will we fall into a quagmire again?"
"Whether the courtiers can win by sending troops lies not only in our army, but also in the other side’s attack on the Central Plains Dynasty. It is inevitably inappropriate for us to rush to attack without careful preparation. But if we can attack Lingnan as a small country minister, it is even worse. Do we have reinforcements?"
"People will help our army. Do you mean Chu? I heard that Zhou Zongwu said that Chu is now in trouble. The first thing Zhao Pu came to do was to do something. The Dachau Merchants Association hoped that our Datang businessmen could go to Chu to do material exchange. This kind of Chu is estimated to have the heart. Even if he wanted to annex Lingnan, he probably didn’t have the strength. "
"Is the Chu army elite?" Feng Yansi asked.
"Chu can easily attack Wei Sheng’s time, even if it takes time, I’m afraid the army is quite good at fighting. What does Feng Aiqing say?"
"Since the Chu army is good at fighting, he has no military concerns about sending troops to Lingnan. His concerns should be about money and food. If they have money and food, will the Chu army go south?" Feng Yansi said.
Li Jing said angrily after a moment’s silence, "Feng Aiqing means I understand that you want Datang to lend some more money to Chu, but what if Chu doesn’t return it?" Ma Yun, the little man, doesn’t look authentic. Can you believe it? Besides, didn’t Wei Cen make friends with Chu when he went to Chu the year before last? Is the border between Linheshui (Hejiang) and Yujiang (now the Pearl River) Fengzhou, Duanzhou, Kangzhou, Xingwangfu, Chaozhou, Shaozhou, Xunzhou, Zhenzhou and Yingzhou our Tang Dynasty? This is already written in black and white. Don’t they play to depend on it again? "